Callie Fuqua is a native West Texan and first-time author. Being a fourth- and sixth-generation Midlander on either side of her family and having grown up on family ranches in both Fort Davis and Snyder, she has a meaningful connection to the area and understands its rich culture. There is lots of fun to be had and many places to see way, way out west. Fuqua wrote this book hoping to inspire in others the same love for West Texas that she has.


Richard Cowdrey is an illustrator from Cincinnati. In 1978, Cowdrey left Ohio for Columbus College of Art & Design, graduating in 1981. After a short stint at Hallmark Greeting Cards, he went out on his own beginning a nearly 40-year career as a freelance illustrator. In his professional career, Cowdrey has worked with many bestselling publishers, including Harper Collins, Scholastic Inc., Simon & Schuster, Random House, Harcourt, McMillan McGraw Hill, Bantam Books, Grosset & Dunlap, Penguin Publishing, Workman Publishing, and Harvest House.